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Eat Your Water: 4 Foods High in Water

When it comes to healthy eating, you typically look for nutritious foods packed with vitamins and minerals. Yet have you ever considered foods that contain water? There are many fruits and vegetables with a high water content, which can help you stay hydrated. Among its many benefits, drinking enough water helps keep organs functioning, can…

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4 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Have you ever wondered where your energy comes from? You can thank a chemical reaction called metabolism! This process turns the food we eat into energy that keeps our bodies moving throughout the day. While everyone has a different metabolic rate, many people strive for a faster metabolism. This allows you to burn calories at…

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Thanksgiving Day Specials at Colony Diner

November is the time of year to be thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives. We’re thankful for our diners and the Wallingford community for their support, especially as we continue to navigate these challenging times. To express our gratitude, we’re featuring a full Thanksgiving meal at Colony Diner! On Thursday, November…

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Guide to Seasonal Produce

Eating foods that are in season gives you the best taste experience! The location, weather conditions and environment in which our favorite fruits and vegetables are harvested play a role in their growth, development and flavor. If you want to enjoy fresh and delicious foods, follow this seasonal produce guide. Fall Produce Autumn is a…

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Best Foods for Brain Health

Brain health is key to making sure the rest of your body functions at its best! The brain controls your thoughts, emotions, touch, memory, motor skills, breathing – and hunger! Here are some of the best foods to include in your diet to support brain health. Fatty Fish Eating fatty fish is a great way…

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Benefits of Magnesium-Rich Foods

According to Healthline, up to 75 percent of Americans are not meeting their recommended magnesium intake. This mineral is crucial in keeping our bodies functioning properly. Although you may take a supplement, there are many foods high in magnesium that you can include to your diet! Here are four ways you can benefit from eating…

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A Guide to Portion Sizes

When you’re hungry, your mind gets excited and you overindulge on a delicious meal. At a restaurant, extreme hunger may drive you to order more food than your body actually needs. After eating, you can be left feeling bloated and way too full. To prevent this from happening to you, here are a few ways…

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3 Ways to Cook Fish

Did you know fish is one of the healthiest foods in the world? It’s also one of the most delicious! Fish is packed with protein, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids for overall wellness. Popular fish include salmon, cod and tuna. Here are three different ways to cook fish. 1. Baked Fish Fish can be…

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4 Foods That Benefit Your Skin

Who doesn’t love having healthy, glowing skin? Most people turn to their favorite products to achieve smooth, blemish-free skin but did you know what you eat can also help? Including certain foods in your diet can benefit skin health and appearance. Here are a few of these popular and versatile foods you can find at…

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How Does the Paleo Diet Work?

Are you looking for a new diet to develop better nutrition habits or lose weight? The paleo diet is one of the most popular in the world! Also known as the “Caveman Diet”, the paleolithic method of eating is modeled after diets from prehistoric times. According to, as many as 3 million Americans follow…

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