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Why Potatoes Remain a Popular Breakfast Side

Today, the potato is the most-consumed vegetable in the United States! Potatoes have stuck around for centuries for their versatility, affordability and ability to keep you full. Whether prepared crispy, crunchy or creamy, learn why potatoes remain a popular breakfast side. Nutritional Benefits Potatoes are vegetables and carbohydrates that can keep you satiated. In general,…

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Pros and Cons of Plant-Based Milk Alternatives

Whether due to lactose intolerance or following a vegan diet, not everyone drinks dairy milk. Alternatives may seem more appealing to these individuals but can trigger allergies or digestive issues, including from nut or soy-based ingredients. At the same time, this group of products has a different nutritional profile than traditional dairy. Whether you’re on…

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How to Get Enough Protein as a Vegan or Vegetarian

Vegans and vegetarians are often met with the question: “How will you get enough protein?” Two myths persist around protein: one, that meat is the superior source and two, that vegetarian and vegan diets are low in nutrients. Yet those following either of these diet lower their cholesterol levels, fat intake, diabetes and heart disease…

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How Eggs & Bacon Became a Breakfast Classic

Eggs and bacon have been a classic American breakfast pairing for decades! This meal gets the day started through a major dose of protein and can be paired with many other breakfast foods like toast, home fries or pancakes. Why has this combination stood the test of time? Understanding the Role of Breakfast Starting in…

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Different Types of Veggie Burgers

The market for plant-based burgers has experienced significant growth over the past several years, including the popularity of veggie burgers. As the variety continues to grow, understand the more common types of veggie burgers available before your next backyard barbecue or trip to our diner! Mixed Vegetables and Grains Veggie burgers made from various vegetables…

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How to Eat Healthy When Dining Out

Perhaps you’re looking to consume fewer calories, manage portions or follow a doctor’s dietary plan. Yet for convenience, socializing or trying a new place, you like to eat out. Rather than derail your efforts, understand how to eat mindfully when dining out. Read the Menu Ahead of Time Get an idea of what’s in line…

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Tips for Making Breakfast Healthier

Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day. While this belief may stem from marketing, what you consume in the morning does get your metabolism going, helps you start burning calories and energizes your body. Eating breakfast also helps reduce weight gain and lowers the risk for type 2 diabetes, stroke and…

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Are Plant-Based and Vegan the Same Thing?

Whether out of concern for animals, sustainability or your own health, interest in vegan and plant-based diets has picked up steam over the past few decades. Five percent of Americans consider themselves vegetarian and two percent follow a vegan diet. At the same time, growing information about the effects of the meat industry on the…

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The Difference Between Egg Yolks and Egg Whites

When you make the decision to eat healthier, dietary changes often start with consuming more greens, fiber and antioxidants, while cutting down on harmful fats and cholesterol. For breakfast, baking and other meals, using egg whites also seems like a logical choice. Yet egg yolks have multiple nutritional benefits too! The decades-old assumption that they…

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Benefits of Beans as a Protein Source

Much of the conversation around plant-based foods involves replicating the texture and taste of popular meats like chicken and beef. Yet the variety of existing plant-based protein sources get sidelined, including beans! While not a complete protein, beans provide a high amount per serving and are also a good source of fiber, vitamins, phytochemicals and…

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