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waffle topped with strawberries and bananasDo you enjoy the sweet, refreshing taste of fruit? Beyond it’s delicious flavor, there are many reasons to eat more fruit. With around 2,000 different types of fruit around the world, there’s a variety to choose from for your salad, smoothie or healthy snack! Here are a few ways you can benefit from eating more fruit.

High in Fiber

When you eat an apple, banana, orange or handful of raspberries, you consume a ton of fiber! A high-fiber diet can be very beneficial to your gut health by normalizing bowel movements, lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels. Fiber can also lower your risk for heart disease and colon cancer.

Try: Our Patriotic Oatmeal topped with Fresh Sliced Bananas, Strawberries & Blueberries.

Vitamins & Minerals

Fruit is a great source of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to stay healthy, including potassium and magnesium. Cherries, grapefruit and kiwi are all high in Vitamins C, A, B1 and B2, which our bodies need to maintain a healthy immune system.

Try: Our Tropical Salad served with Fresh Fruit and a Scoop of Cottage Cheese & Jell-O on a Bed of Crisp Lettuce.


Peaches, figs, pears, mangoes and many other fruits are high in antioxidants. These compounds are crucial to prevent cell damage in our bodies and reduce risk of heart disease, arthritis and vision deterioration. The more fruit you eat, the better chance your body has to fight off these medical conditions.

Try: Our Fresh Strawberry, Banana & Chocolate Chip Waffle.


When trying to maintain a healthy diet, fruit is a great go-to snack. Not only are most fruits low in calories, they are also low in fat. Choosing a pomegranate or pineapple over a candy bar is a better way to satisfy your sweet tooth!

Try: Our Avocado Toast with Fresh Avocado & Sliced Tomato on Open Faced Multi-Grain Toast.
Craving fruit? Visit Colony Diner to indulge in one of our popular breakfast dishes or order a side of fruit with your lunch today!